Mahindra & Mahindra announced it will drop the ‘e’ from the name of its new electric SUV ‘BE6e’ following objections from InterGlobe Aviation, the parent company of IndiGo Airlines, over the similarity to IndiGo’s flight code ‘6E.’ Despite the change, Mahindra plans to challenge InterGlobe’s objections in court to retain its rights over the name.
InterGlobe issued a legal notice to Mahindra, citing potential conflicts over the use of ‘6E,’ which is closely associated with IndiGo’s branding. Mahindra maintains that its use of ‘BE6e,’ part of its electric SUV portfolio, is distinct and unlikely to cause confusion due to the difference in industries and products.
Mahindra unveiled the BE6e and another electric SUV, the XEV 9e, on November 26, filing trademark applications under Class 12, covering vehicles. The automaker clarified that its nomenclature represents its electric vehicle (EV) lineage, with BE standing for ‘Born Electric’ and 6e described internally as ‘Be Sexy.’
“We believe it differs fundamentally from IndiGo’s ‘6E,’ which represents an airline, eliminating any risk of confusion. The distinct styling further emphasizes its uniqueness. Our registration application is for an entirely different industry sector and product and hence do not see any conflict,” Mahindra stated.
The dispute will now move to court, where Mahindra will seek to secure its rights over the BE6e brand name. Meanwhile, InterGlobe has reiterated its claim to exclusive control over the ‘6E’ brand in any commercial context.
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