Leapmotor has partnered with Qualcomm Technologies, to equip its newly launched B10 C-SUV with advanced Snapdragon Digital Chassis solutions. The B10, the first model in Leapmotor’s global B-series lineup, integrates the next-generation Snapdragon Cockpit Platform and Snapdragon Ride Platform, delivering intelligent cockpit and driving capabilities to global markets.
Built on Leapmotor’s LEAP 3.5 architecture, the B10 supports advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), customizable digital cockpits, and intelligent driving functionalities. This cutting-edge integration enhances driving efficiency and lays the groundwork for the seamless integration of cockpit and driving systems.
The Snapdragon Ride Platform features high-performance, energy-efficient hardware and AI-driven solutions, enabling the B10 to process high-definition maps and complex road conditions in real-time. This platform powers the vehicle’s Highway and Urban Navigate on Autopilot (NOA) capabilities and supports advanced data fusion and adaptability, making the B10’s intelligent driving system one of the most advanced on the market.
The Snapdragon Cockpit Platform enriches the user experience with premium, immersive features, including a voice assistant powered by cloud-based large models. This smart cockpit anticipates user needs, offering a personalized and humanized driving environment.
Jiangming Zhu, Leapmotor’s founder and chairman, emphasized the strategic importance of the B-series for global expansion. “The realization of cockpit-driving integration at the controller level significantly enhances efficiency, compatibility, and ecosystem consistency between vehicle systems, elevating the intelligent driving experience,” Zhu stated.
Nakul Duggal, General Manager at Qualcomm Technologies, expressed pride in supporting Leapmotor’s innovative vision. “The Snapdragon Digital Chassis solutions bring intelligence, sophistication, and comfort to Leapmotor’s B10 vehicles, driving the evolution of vehicle electronic architecture and user experiences across global markets.”
In partnership with Stellantis, Leapmotor aims to make its Snapdragon-powered vehicles accessible and affordable worldwide, marking a milestone in its globalization strategy.
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